Changing Colors on Your Project Mid-Row
Rebecca VelasquezDescription
Rebecca works double crochet up to the last stitch of the current color. She works the final stitch up to the point where the final two loops are on the hook. She notes the exception to this rule is the half double crochet stitch– if working that stitch, three loops will remain on the hook. Since she is working in double crochet, two loops remain on the hook with the first color. She drops the first color and picks up the new color. Using the new yarn only, she works a yarn over and pull through the final two loops to complete the double crochet stitch.
The stitch where this color change happens can sometimes appear and feel to be a little loose. Rebecca recommends holding both yarn tails to the back as you continue to crochet with the new color in order to help things remain more secure. She takes a closer look at the color change worked on the double crochet fabric, noting that changing colors in this way is a nice nearly seamless technique to add a new color into your project.
The video ends with Rebecca discussing how to weave in the ends on a project with multiple colors. She notes that it’s important to work the ends into their respective colors. If the stitch where the color change happened is still a little loose, give a slight tug on the yarn tails before weaving them in in order to adjust the tension of that stitch.
Hi, I'm Rebecca Velasquez, and in this video, I am going to be showing you step by step how to change colors in the middle of a row. So this is a fun, new trick that you will have to add to your crochet. Changing yarn colors in the middle of a row looks pretty complicated, but it's actually not. I'm gonna show you how. What you want to do is to work up until the last stitch of your current color.
And then, when working your last stitch, what you will do is to complete it until you have two loops left on your hook, unless you're working a half-double crochet, and then it will be three loops. But we are working in double crochet here, so we need to yarn over and insert into our next stitch, and then pull up a loop. And then we will yarn over and pull through two, and now we have the two loops left on our hook. It's at this point that we're gonna change colors. So all you need to do is to drop your old color.
You'll pick up your new yarn, making sure that the tail is in the opposite direction of your current yarn, and then using your new yarn only, you will complete your stitch. So it's a yarn over, pull through two. Now it might feel a little fiddly at this point, so you can hold both of the tails in your hand, here in the back. It just makes it a little more comfortable and keeps it from getting too loose. And so now what you will do is to just complete your next stitch, continue on in pattern, as normal, using your new color.
I'm gonna go ahead and make another stitch here, and then we will take a closer look. So you can see that by switching colors mid-stitch, it created the top of the new stitch in your new color. Now, whenever it comes time to weave in your ends, it's at this point that you will deal with any looseness that the top of the stitch may have. This is when you'll adjust it to make it the appropriate size of the stitches. It's because it's not really tied into any of the stitches before it, that's why it's a little loose.
So in both your new color and your old, you want to just take a little extra precaution when you're weaving in those ends. Make sure that everything is nice and secure because you don't want them to loosen through the lifetime of your project. And so here it is. Now you know how to change your color in the middle of a row without disrupting your stitch pattern. I really hope that you enjoyed learning this new skill with me today.
Make sure to check around the website. There are a lot of tips and tricks and fun things that you can learn to do in your crochet. Thank you so much for being here with me.
I’m in midst of a graphghan. Was managing my colour changes without issues until I reached section where I changed colour but then only worked a single stitch in new colour. Try as I might I just can’t get it to look right. Any tips.
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