Jasmine Stitch Worked in the Round
Brenda K.B. AndersonDescription
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Hey guys, welcome to our live crochet events. My name is Brenda Kb Anderson. I am a crochet instructor at the Creative Crochet Corner and, and also at Craft C Two. And I am very excited to show you guys the stitch. So this is the Jasmine Stitch and it's worked in the round.
This is what it looks like. It's this really thick puffy cushy, beautiful fabric. I mean, it looks like a whole little flower garden is going on here. It's so pretty and so unique and different than any other crochet stitch that I've worked up. It is a lot of fun.
Um This is one of those um stitch patterns that I have kind of shied away from using in any designs because it is difficult to explain how to do this on paper. But because we have magic video today, I am so excited to be able to share this with you guys. It really, really is gonna help to be able to just see what I'm doing. I will try to explain everything as best as I can. I am going to be teaching from this chart that I made here.
Um And let me know in the comments section, if you think that this would be a useful chart for you to be able to download. And I, because I was thinking about maybe doing a blog post or something like that at the Creative Crochet Corner website. Um And then maybe we could make this into a download. So let me know if you think this would be helpful. Um But otherwise you can just follow along with what I'm doing and I'll try to explain kind of um the rate of increases and just sort of like try to make everything, make as much sense because I know when you look at this, it is very hard to tell where you start, how you build all these little puff stitches.
It's, it's, it's confusing when you just look at it. So, um like, you know, because this is a live event, definitely hop in if there's something that wasn't clear. Um If you need me to do something again, please, you know, let me know in the comments if you need more information about anything or if you just wanna suggest other stitch patterns you'd like to learn or other things like that you'd like to know about, you know, you can feel free to put those in the comments as well. All right. OK.
So to start this out, we are going to be working from the center out and we're working in rounds and they're uno rounds sort of, you'll see when we get there, this is a very unique stitch pattern. It's a little, um it's just not like standard stitches that we normally make. So, um yeah, so we're gonna start with an adjustable loop at, at the center. And if you are a chart person, um you know, you can tell right here is where we make that adjustable loop. And I have a little green puff right here.
This is going to be our first, our, our I call it the puff stitch or beginning Jasmine Stitch right here. Um Right next to the one. So that's where we're gonna be starting and we're gonna be working our way around. So if you're looking at this chart, I just want to mention I color coded two different stitches. Well, actually three.
So the little beginning is with green, you don't need to know how to work all this yet. I will, I'll be showing you that, but I'm just explaining this weird chart. Um And then this, if you see this, this is a jasmine increase, OK? In black. And when you get to the red, that is just a regular Jasmine stitch.
OK. So, and then I have also kind of color coded these rounds just to make it a little easier to look at. The first round starts here and it's, you know, just plain. The second round starts where this two is and it's in this highlighted yellow and it goes around like this and it finishes with this right here. This is still highlighted, yellow kind of up here.
And then the third round I highlighted in orange and we're going to start here and work our way around to this. Now, if this is not making any sense to you, that's totally OK. I'm gonna be showing you how to make all these stitches. I just for those chart people out there who might be like trying to get the overview or trying to follow along as we're working on this. I just wanted to kind of explain that because I'm going to be um referencing this as, as I'm stitching so that I know where I'm at.
OK. So we're going to start with an adjustable loop and I'm going to fold this back. So we don't have to look at that anymore. This might fit a little better. I am going to start with an adjustable loop so you can do your adjustable loop.
However, you like to do it the way I like to do it is I just draw a little loop like that flip that loop over onto the strand connected to the ball, put my hook underneath that strand in the middle and then I just sort of tighten this up. I'm using my finger where everything crosses over to kind of hold on to that. And I'm tightening up the loop somewhat. I still want it to be big enough that I can work into, but small enough that it's not flopping all over the place. Then I'm gonna chain one and I like to, I've started doing this recently where I take my loop and then I twist it around like this and then I crochet into it that way.
And that way, I'm crocheting over two strands at once. You can alternatively just start crocheting over this one strand and that works fine as well. OK. So we're going to start by chaining one and then we are going to draw up a loop. And so when we draw up a loop, I'm aiming for like, I don't know, somewhere around maybe three quarters of an inch or just slightly shorter than that.
Um But this is going to depend on what you want it to look like the thickness of your yarn, your crochet hook. I am using a worsted weight yarn, it's 100% wool and I am using a crochet hook. That's a G which is a four millimeter hook. Um Just to give you an idea, but this could be worked up at different, you know, different gauges, different thicknesses of yarn, different size crochet hooks. It's just good to do a little bit of experimenting.
All right. So we're going to draw up our loop and then we are going to start pulling up stitches to do a puff stitch. So we're going to yarn over, insert into the adjustable loop, yarn over pull up a loop and we're going to pull that up to the same height as our first loop yarn over, insert, yarn over, pull up, yarn over, insert, you're an over, pull up. So we're doing that, inserting part three times and we're going to have seven loops on our hook at this point. Then we're gonna yarn over and we're gonna pinch our yarn right here because we, we wanna keep track of the strand right there.
That's the strad, the back of the, the strand that's going over the back of the hook. We wanna pinch that and hold on to it. And then we're gonna bring this yarn through all seven loops and see because we pinched it. We have this little window here. Then we're gonna insert our hook into the window, grab that yarn and we're gonna pull up a loop and pull it through the loop on our hook.
So we're just basically doing a slip stitch into the window. Then we're gonna change one just like that. And then we are going to start with our next stitch. Ok. So that is the beginning.
Puff, the beginning. Jasmine. Um It's basically just one little puff and the only time we do that in the stitch pattern is right here to begin. The whole thing. This is if you've ever done.
Um Oh my goodness. I'm blanking out the, the stitch pattern that's got all these long loops. Uh Lover's Knot or Solomon's Knot. That's what it's called. It has a similar um similar technique to that where you're drawing up loops and then kind of anchoring it and building off of that sometimes.
So if you've done that, this, it might help you a little bit. OK. So our next stitch that we're going to do is a jasmine decrease. So whenever we're working at jasmine decrease, we kind of have like two pedals or two lobes or however you want to think of it, two different kind of puff stitches that sort of get worked into one stitch, just sort of get decreased together. So to start, we're going to pull up our loop to that same like three quarters of an inch ish or maybe just a little less than that.
And we're gonna work right into that slip stitch right at the top of our um puff stitch right here. So there's that little hat on top, that little V right there. So that's where we're gonna be working. So we're gonna yarn over and insert into that stitch, yarn over, pull up a loop and we're gonna do that two more times yarn over, insert yarn over, pull up, pulling it up to the same length yarn over, insert yarn over, pull up. OK.
And then normally we would think, oh, we're gonna finish that off next, but we're not, we're gonna hang out there with all those loops on our hook while we put even more loops on our hook and we're gonna pull those loops up from the adjustable loop right here. Ok. So to do that, we're going to yarn over insert into that adjustable loop, yarn over pull up and make sure that's, you know, three quarters of an inch from that point. And we're gonna do it again. You're an over insert, you're an over pull up, that's two, you're an over insert, you're an over pull up, that's three.
And now, so now we've got seven loops here and six loops here. So we have a total of 13 loops on our hook and we're going to yarn over and draw through all 13 loops while we are pinching that strand just like we did before. So hang on that strand, pull it through all of your loops and we still have that little window because we were pinching that. So we're gonna put our hook in there, grab that yarn, pull through the window and pull through the loop on our hook to do a slip stitch. So you can see the slip stitch is right on top of that puff and then we're gonna chain one.
So every time we do some sort of, you know, one of these jasmine stitches, whether it's the beginning, whether it is a decrease and I'll explain a little more about the decrease thing um as we go or whether it's a regular jasmine stitch, you're always gonna end, making that slip stitch into that window and then you're gonna chew a chain one right after it. That is all part of the jasmine stitch. Ok. So here we have. So let's just talk about what we have here first.
So here's our original puff, that's the beginning. Jasmine. And then we have this sort of, you know, bent. We've got a puff stitch here and a puff stitch here kind of coming together. So that is our jasmine decrease right there.
Oh, I hope he didn't say increase before. I might have said increase by accident. That is a jasmine decrease when you have two lobes like that, two sections. OK. So after we do that, we're going to do three more jasmine decreases.
All right. So to start that out, we are going to pull up our loop and we're going to be working into that last slip stitch we made, which was right there at the top of our jasmine decrease. So we pulled up our loop, we're gonna yarn over, insert into the slip stitch yarn over and pull up a loop. Now, we're going to do that two more times yarn over, insert, yarn over, pull up, yarn over, insert yarn over, pull up. Now we have seven loops on our hook and now we're gonna pick up loops from down here.
OK. So from that adjustable loop. So we're gonna yarn over, insert, yarn over, pull up and make sure that's nice and long like our regular three quarters inch or somewhere thereabouts. And then we're gonna do that two more times yarn over and try not to let this get too tight here. Try not to let your loops disappear into the short loops.
You're an over insert, you're an over pull up. You aren't over insert, you're over, pull up. Ok. So we've, right now, we have seven loops that were on our hook here and we've just pulled up six more right here. So we've got 13 loops on our hook.
We are going to pinch right there with her thumb and her finger. We're going to yarn over and we're pinching because we want to keep this window open here. We're gonna pull through all 13 loops still have that little section open, slip our um hook into that little window, grab that yarn, pull it through the window, pull it through the loop on our hook, first lip stitch that created a slip stitch there. And then we're gonna chain one. OK.
So now we've got the beginning puff. We have an A jasmine decrease and another jasmine decrease. OK? So we're gonna do two more jasmine decreases. So I'm gonna do these just a little bit faster.
So we're gonna pull up a loop and then you're an over insert, you're an over pull up, you're an over insert, you're an over, pull up, you're an over insert, you're an over pull up. There's our seven loops. Now we're gonna get those six loops from the adjustable loop down here. You're an over insert, you're an over pull up, you're an over insert, you're an over pull up, you're over insert, you're an over pull up. You aren't over.
Pinch pull through. All 13 loops. Place your hook into that little window. Grab the yarn, make your slip stitch and chain one. All right.
We're gonna do that one more time. So we're gonna pull up that loop. You're an over and replacing it in that slip stitch. OK? Working it into a slip stitch.
So insert there, you're an over pull up, you're an over insert, you're an over pull up, you're an over insert, you're an over pull up. Now we're going to pick up loops from down here in the adjustable loop. So you're an over insert, you're an over pull up, you're an over insert, you're an over pull up, you're an over insert, you're an over pull up and then we're gonna yard over pinch pulse through 13. And then we're gonna make that slip stitch into that window like this. And then Shane one.
OK? So now we've got this beginning Puff and then we have this sort of, it's like a backwards l if I look at it like this or just sort of this little shape, this is what, you know, we've got our puff here and then we built this other Jasmine stitch in like this. So it's kind of shaped like that. And then we've got another one like that and these are going into that adjustable loop. Ok.
So it's, I think of it as kind of like an upside down. Puffy V I guess is what those um decreases look like. Oh, sorry. Increases. Oh, I've been saying the wrong thing.
Oh my gosh, you guys, I'm so sorry. So these, these are increases here where we, where we have those two legs. Those are increases. I am so sorry. OK.
So we've got our original Puff and then we have an increase increase, increase increase. We've got 41234. Jasmine increases. OK. So now at this point, we can kind of pull this in just a little bit because it just seems so big and wobbly, we're gonna be working one more Jasmine Stitch and this is a regular Jasmine Stitch.
Let me just show you where we're at on the chart in case this is helpful to you. So we have worked. Let's see. OK. So there's our original Puff and then we worked 1234 of those Jasmine increases.
I'm sorry. I was saying decreases before, but I meant to say increases. Now we're gonna do a Jasmine stitch. Just a regular Jasmine Stitch which has three pedals right here. All like a regular Jasmine stitch has three pedals.
OK? So we're gonna do, we're gonna pull up a loop and then we are going to start out just like we were making another jasmine increase. So we're gonna yearn over, insert you an over, pull up a loop. You're an over in uh insert, you're an over pull up, you over insert, you're an over pull up. OK.
So we have seven loops on our hook and we're not gonna stop yet. The next part is going to be just the same as that increase that we've done. So we're gonna pull up six loops from this space right here. So you're an over insert, you're an over pull up, you're an over insert, you're an over pull up, you are an over insert, you're an over pull up and now we're not going to complete this. This is not going to be an increase.
We're gonna do one more set of pedals. OK? So I'm gonna pull on this just a little more to shrink it in a little bit, pulling up my beginning yarn tail there to make that circle a little smaller. And then the next place we're gonna pick up a loop is the next possible option. So whenever you're trying to figure out where to pick up the next puddle from, you just kind of move your way around.
If you're a right handed crocheter, you're gonna be working around counterclockwise. So you're gonna go to the next place where you could pick up a loop. OK? So we're never gonna be picking up loops from the middle of these strands. We're always gonna be picking it up from like that slip stitch or the eye of our stitch.
Ok. So this is the next possible location. So we are going to start with yarn over and then insert into that slip stitch, yarn over, pull up, you're an over insert, you're an over, pull up, you're an over insert, you're an over pull up. Now we have a total of 19 loops because we have seven and six and six. All right.
So now we're going to yarn over pinch and pull through all 19 loops and then we're going to insert our hook into that spot. We reserve that little window and make our slip stitch. OK. So you can see what has happened here is we closed in our circle. Now, it looks like we've got six petals all radiating out of that center space right there.
So I can go ahead and pull this tight if I want to. And so when we made that last stitch, so this is our Jasmine stitch that has those three pedals. We connected it to that very first um slip stitch that we made. So that has kind of completed around, it's sort of like a joint, I guess. Um But it's not like a normal, this is just a little different because they were reaching way over here and working it into that um The top of that slip stitch there.
OK. So now we are going to start round number two. So let's bring in our chart here again. So you can see we have just completed this um Jasmine stitch in red here. Now we're gonna start number two, you can see the next stitch we're doing is going to be that jasmine increase because it has two lobes, the jasmine increase has two lobes and we are going to be starting every, every round with the jasmine, the jasmine increase from this point on.
So I should mention there's lots of different ways to make this stitch pattern, even working it in the round, even working it in the round as a Hexagon, there are still other options, other ways to do it. To me, this was the most straightforward way to learn it. Um But I should just, I just want to mention that in case you're following somebody else's pattern there, they could be using other combinations of stitches to get this Hexagon shape there. You know, it's possible to do this in a different way. To me, this was the most straightforward.
And so I wanted to teach it this way. OK. So to start round number two, which is right here, we are going to just start by pulling up a loop. So we're going to pull up that loop to that three quarters length and we're gonna make um we're gonna pick up loops in that same eye that we just uh closed up here. OK?
So we're gonna yarn over insert, you're an over pull up, you're an over insert, you're an over pull up, you're an over insert, you're an over pull up every time we make one of these little puffs, it's the same amount of yarn overs. Um, so we'll have the same number of loops on our hook. So we have seven right there because we started with the loop on her hook. Ok. So then the next place we're gonna pick up is going to be um OK.
Whoops, I gotta, I gotta finish. Let's see. I have to finish that. Yes, I have to finish off that um Puff by doing um a yarn over, hanging onto my strand like this. And then we are going to make that slip, stitch into that window just like that.
So now we have a little strand sticking out. So if you look at this, here's our last uh stitch. This is a Jasmine stitch with those three pedals. Now we've kind of ventured out. We're making our, our next piece.
So we're working up here and now we're going to work into our next space right here. So we're going to pull up are loops. So you're an over insert, you're an over pull up, you're an over insert, you're an over pull up. Oh OK. I got back up here.
You guys. All right. So before OK, let me just back up to the beginning of round two. I am sorry about that. OK.
So this is after we've worked our slip stitch and then after we've made our chain one, we're gonna pull up our loop to that three quarters of an inch. And we're gonna pull up loops from this point and pull up loops from this point and then we'll finish off that stitch for the increase. Ok. So we've, we're at three quarters an inch here. So we're going to yarn over insert, you're an over pull up, you're an over insert, you're an over pull up, you're an over insert, you're an over pull up.
Now, before we finish this off, we are going to go over here and get our six loops to that next available place to pick up loops. So you're an over insert, you're an over pull up, you're an over insert, you're an over pull up, you're an over insert, you're an over pull up. All right. So now we've got 13 loops on our hook and we are going to finish this off with, by holding on to that strand, pulling through the 13 loops. Now, we're gonna place our hook into that strand.
We kind of reserved that little window and we're gonna make a slip stitch and chain one. OK. So this, it may seem like, oh, I'll remember where the beginning of my round is. Brenda. No problem.
I don't need to mark that, but I'm just gonna tell you, please mark this stitch, humor me because it is really hard to tell where the beginning of your stitch is once you start working around. So I like to just mark the front of that stitch there so that I can work into that stitch a little bit easier. So I just mark the front of that slip stitch. Um The slip stitch, the front loop of the slip stitch there at the top of that uh jasmine increase. OK.
We know this is a jasmine increase because it only has two puddles right there. That's a jasmine increase. OK. So we have done our increased stitch. Then the next stitch we're gonna do is a regular Jasmine stitch.
So we're gonna start by pulling up our loop. There's a little fuzz in here. OK? So we're gonna pull up a loop and then we're gonna grab some loops from this location, this location and this location. OK?
So the next three places we could get loops from. So the first one is where we just came from. So we're still pulling up, you know, we're doing this motion three times. So we have a total total of seven loops on our hook. Then we are going to move over to the next location and pull up six loops.
So you're an over insert, you're an over, pull up, repeat that two more times. There we go. And now we're gonna go to the next location, which is right here and we're gonna pull up loops in the same way. OK? So now we have these three kind of lobes or three petals of our jasmine stitch and we are going to yarn over pinch right here, pull through all of those stitches, all of those loops.
And then we're gonna insert our hook into that window, make a slip stitch and then chain one. OK. So, so far on round two, we just have this stitch right here, which is an increase. And then we have this stitch right here, which is a regular Jasmine stitch, which has those three pedals. And we're gonna repeat those two things as we work our way around.
OK? So we're going to pull up our loop. You're an over insert, you're an over pull up, you're an over insert, you're an over pull up, you're an over insert, you're an over pull up. Now we have seven loops on your hook. We're going to go to the next location where we can pick up loops, which is right here because you have to look, you can't pick up loops here, but you can pick them up there from the eye.
So you're an over insert, you're an over pull up, you're an over insert, you're an over pull up, you're an over insert, you're an over pull up. And because this is an increase, we only have two lobes. We're gonna pinch here, yarn over, pull through everything and make that slip stitch and a chain one. So the next stitch is a regular Jasmine stitch. So we're gonna pull up our loop and we're picking up loops from here here and here.
Those are the three next, you know, the next three locations. There's the first one, there's the second one and there's the third one. Then we're gonna yarn over, hang on to this and pull through all of that. We're gonna insert here and make that slip. Stitch and chain one.
OK? So we just did a regular Jasmine stitch. So the next stitch is going to be a jasmine increase. So we're gonna pull up our loop. So an increase means we do two lobes.
So we're gonna pick up loops from here and here. So this is just the same as we have been doing. We're picking up loops there. Now we're gonna pick up loops here and we're gonna pull through everything just like that and we're gonna insert through that little window, grab that yarn and do a slip stitch and then a chain one and we're gonna increase. I mean, sorry, we're gonna lengthen our loop.
Sorry. That was confusing. This was an increase that we already did. We're lengthening our loop and now we're gonna do a regular Jasmine stitch which has three pedals. So we're gonna pick up loops here here and here.
So even though this looks confusing, if you know that you're alternating in this round between an increase which has two pedals and a Jasmine Stitch which has three and you just go forward picking up your loops from the next available place that's, you know, you'll be doing things correctly. All right, there's all 19 loops. We're going to, you know, over pull through and do a slip stitch into that little window and then we're gonna chain one. All right, we'll elongate our loop and now we're back to doing an increase. So we're going to pick up loops from here and here.
Ok. Here's our next location. Yeah. And over draw through 13, we're gonna make a slip stitch into that window there. Chain one.
And then we're gonna elongate our loop to get ready for the next stitch. So that was an increase. The next stitch is going to be a jasmine stitch just a regular one. So we're gonna have three pedals. So 12 and three.
Those are the three locations. One and two and here's the third. OK. We're ready here and over. Pull through all 19.
Make that slip stitch into the window chain one. And then we're gonna elongate our loop and now we're gonna do an increase. So that has two lobes, one and two or petals, So we're always um picking up the same amount of loops, but it's how many locations we're picking them up from is the difference between a jasmine stitch and a jasmine increase. And then we're gonna slip stitch here and at chain one, we elongate our loop. Now we're gonna do a regular Jasmine right here.
Our next location is here and our last location is here and we're gonna pull through everything and do a slip stitch into that window there. Gene One. And we're gonna elongate our loop and now we're gonna do an increase and we're gonna count up our stitches in just a minute and I'll kind of show you um, what's, which stitches are? Which here? Let's see.
There we go. Let me go through all 13 slip stitch here. Oops, I dropped my loop. If that happens to you and you drop it, you can usually find it. If you sort of just turn to the back a little bit there, it's easier if you can hang on to it.
But if you drop it, you know, all is not lost. It's OK. All right. So now we only have one more kind of puff going this way before it's marked right there. So that means we're going to be working our last stitch, which is a regular Jasmine stitch.
So we're gonna pull up our loop and pull up. We're pulling up from locations here here and the last location should always end in that marked stitch. That's how, you know, you're done. And here's our next location and here's our last location. All right, hanging on to that stitch right there or hanging on to that strand so I can pull all the way through and then I'm gonna go in there and make that slip stitch and a chain one to finish up.
So you can see this isn't a perfect circle or Hexagon yet. Um, this little part kind of sticks out just a little bit. Um, but if you, when you block it you can just kind of push it down. You can see here. Um, I think it's right here is where that is.
Can't do it. Yeah, I'm pretty sure my last stitch was here. and so I just kind of push that down as I block it and it becomes a really nice, nicely shaped hexagon. So don't worry if you know when you first start, this is not gonna be a Hexagon right away. It's gonna look kind of more like a mushy circle.
Don't be worried as you work further, it'll get more and more obvious where those points are. Ok. So, uh our next round, we're gonna pull this out and our next round is going to start off again at the beginning of the round is going to start off with an increase. So we're gonna pull up our loop and we're gonna increase by making pulling up loops from here and the next location. So this is round three and then we're gonna pull up loops from here And now we have a total of 13 loops on our hook.
We're gonna yarn over, hang on to that and slip stitch into that little window J one and place your stitch marker into that slip stitch that you made. OK? So you don't forget where the under your round is because it, it does get very difficult to tell. OK. So we did our increase here and on this round which is round number three, we're going to do an increase and then we're gonna do two jasmine stitches and then we're gonna repeat that sequence.
So it'll be increase, jasmine, jasmine, increase jasmine, jasmine and we're gonna do that all the way around. So I'm gonna pull up a loop and we're, we're doing a Jasmine stitch here. So we're gonna pull up loops from here here and here. Here's our next location and our last location. Oops, try that again.
Make sure that you are really pulling these loops up nicely because if they get too short, it is very tricky to get your hook into, you know, to get your hook all the way through. Here's my slip stitch, my chain one. All right. So we did increase Jasmine and now we're gonna do another Jasmine when I say Jasmine, I just mean, not an increase, just a regular Jasmine stitch which has those three pedals. So we're gonna pull up a loop and we're gonna gather loops from here, the next space or the next kind of eye and then the following one and then we're gonna pinch and pull through all of that.
Make that slip stitch J one. OK. So now we've done increase Jasmine jasmine and now we're gonna do an increase here. So for those of you who have crocheted, you know, in a circle, flat circle before you may notice that this is the same structure, the same increased structure as if you are making a single crochet flat circle. So on round number three, you have an increa, you, you're basically every round, you're gonna be increasing six times in that round.
Um So, however, you spread that out is up to you. The way that I'm teaching it here is we do the increase first and then we do the straight stitches where we're just uh I shouldn't say straight but the, the stitches where we're just working one stitch in, you know, we're not increasing, we're not decreasing, we're just using, we're just making a regular Jasmine stitch. Um So on round number three, we're doing increase. Jasmine, jasmine, increase. Jasmine, jasmine.
So if you were making your single crochet circle, you would notice that it would be increase, single crochet, single crochet, increase, single crochet, single crochet. It's the same um same rate of increase. So, you know, if you're already used to that, that, that should help you. Um when you're working on this project, OK. I did my slip stitch.
Now, I'm doing a chain one and let's see, what do we have here. We've got that first. This marks the, the top of that increase. Jasmine, jasmine, oops, this was supposed to be an increase here and I made it a regular jasmine while I was talking. So let me go back here.
So when you do that increase, you can only have two pedals 23, one to right. And there we go. Finishing that up and chaining one. OK. Now we're gonna finish up the repeat.
So we already have the increase and we're gonna do two more jasmines. There we go. And here is our third location and hanging on to that little strand so we can do our slip stitch under there and chain one. Now we're gonna do one more Jasmine Stitch. There we go.
Next location and in the next location. Yeah. OK. So the next stitch is going to be an increase. So that means two pedals.
When I first started working on this stitch pattern, I was so confused because it was so different from anything that I'd done before and I kept losing my place. And I had such a hard time learning the stitch pattern at first because I didn't realize I just didn't understand how when you have two pedals, it's an increase and we have three. It's not an increase. That was very confusing to me. But then I actually really looked and every time you're making an increase, you're making that Jasmine Stitch, but you're not ever really moving on to the following location.
So let me, let me show you a little bit more about what I mean. So I just did an increase right here. Those are the two legs of that stitch, right? The two petals this place where we had stitched that second pedal, we had already worked into that when we worked this jasmine. So there was 123 from that jasmine.
We've already worked that spot. So this increase, we're working another stitch here. So we have another puff across the top, but we didn't advance anymore here. So that's why when you make fewer puffs, you're actually making an increase because on our next stitch, we are not only gonna work here. Um We're gonna work here here and here so that we actually advance on to this spot here.
Um It's because you don't advance to the next um eye that, that's an increase because you're creating the top here, but you don't use up any more of these. OK. So here we are working our Jasmine, regular Jasmine and there's our third location. Yeah. Slip stitch chain one.
OK. One more Jasmine. Regular Jasmine. There's a second location. Here's the third location.
When I say location, I just mean that eye that I can pick up loops in. That's all, I mean, and AJ one. All right, you can see we're starting to get little corners now. OK. So the next one is uh an increase.
So that means there's two pedals and I know this is a lot of repetition, but it really helped me to learn this to go over it really slowly because, and actually, if you aren't doing this yourself in your own lap, if you aren't actually crocheting along with this, I, that is the best way I think is seeing it kind of unfold in front of you and being able to count those stitches and understanding, you know, where are you supposed to be putting things? All right. Now, I'm back on to the Jasmine Stitch. So I have three locations to pick up. There we go and another Jasmine stitch here, there we go.
And we're gonna draw through all 19. Make that slip stitch chain one and we're gonna do an increase here. So two petals. All right. And then two regular jasmines and then I'll getting pretty close to the end here.
All right, slip stitch into that little strand we reserved and a chain one looks like we have um people from all over the place. Shatika is here again. Awesome. Hi. And Ramona says good morning to everybody.
Good morning, Ramona and Karen's watching from Hillsville, Virginia Liz is from Palm Springs. Can't wait to try to stitch. So pretty. I know it is really pretty. This stitch makes really awesome like trivets or potholder or if you do it in a finer way with like a thinner yarn, it would make a really awesome hat if you just worked up the Hexagon and then you just kept working Jasmine stitches and not increasing.
After that, it would make a really cute hat. Um, but it makes lots of really squishy cushy kinds of, uh, you know, fabrics. It's really so unusual and so pretty and Patty says hi from Shepley. I'm probably saying that wrong. I'm sorry, I always says, do you have any tips to keep your loops at a constant three quarters?
Oh, yeah, that is kind of the, that is kind of the struggle here with this stitch is, um, mostly I feel like it just comes down to practice, but especially when you're working this last one for some reason, like the one that I'm working here. Um It seems like you have to keep pulling your hook this way and you can even put your finger. I, you know, it depends on how you crochet. But if you are able to secure those loops as you go back in so they can't shrink up because here, let me show you on the next one. Now we do that slip stitch and chain one and now we are back to an increase here.
Ok. So here's our, our first loop isn't too tricky. You just keep bringing it up to the same, right. It's when you go to the second loop or the second location, it's right here that I have the trouble. I have to make sure that I'm really pulling that up and then I place my finger here because on the second, after I get that first loop from the second location on my hook.
It wants to kind of get shorter for some reason the way that I stitch. Um, so I, I'm usually keeping my finger somehow on here so that it can't, it can't, um, shrink up as I'm doing this motion and getting another loop. I hope that makes sense. But I think this is one of those things you might have to just if you don't crochet if you hold your hook in a different way than I, than I do. If you're crocheting in this way, it might be hard for you.
I don't know if people put their fingers on top like this ever, but it might be hard for you to do the same thing that I'm doing. I'm not sure it might take a little trial and error to figure it out. All right, here is my last, let's see, I got, yeah, my last regular jasmine. So I pulled up my loops from the first location and here we are at the second location and the last location should be where that mark stitches. If it isn't for some reason, then that means you kind of have to go back through and check and see where you accidentally did an increase or missed an increase.
Um So that way you can, you know, make sure that you have the right amount of stitches around. Ok. So we are going to start working on round number four and you might be wondering like how the heck can you tell what round you're on when it just looks like this? Right? It's kind of hard to figure it out.
But if you're able to see that center little star that you made and if you're having trouble with that, you can always look on the backside and see where you've got that adjustable loop tail kind of thing hanging down. So that's your middle. So this is the middle and if you can count. So this would be one, I'm just looking at kind of the spokes or the pedals here. So 123, that means you're to the, you've completed the third round.
So we we're gonna be working on the fourth round and then if you want to count up your stitches on the third one, let's see, you should have 18, I think. So let's see. 123456789, 1011, 1213, 1415, 1617, 18. 0, it looks like I have one extra. Hold on a second.
Uh 123456789, 1011, 1213, 1415, 1617, 18. 0, I just counted wrong. Ok. So you should have 18. This is the same, like I said before.
The increasing is um the same as if you're working in single crochet. So the first round, you'd have six stitches, the second round, you'd have 12, the third round you'd have 18. It increases by six every time. So you're gonna be increasing because you're making those six points. That's where your increases are.
And that's um how you know that you're gonna be um, that you've increased the correct amount. It should increase by six on every round. Ok. So we're gonna take that stitch marker out and round number four again, like every round that I'm showing you is going to begin with an increase. So you're just gonna pull up.
Oh I think I forgot to do my last chain one there. I'm gonna pull up on that um pull up on your stitch to elongate it and then you're gonna get loops from this location. 123 and then move on to the next location. One 23, you are over, make your slip stitch chain one, put your uh put your stitch marker in the top in that slip stitch there. So you don't forget and you'll know where your last stitch needs to land.
And now on this round, you're going to be working three regular jasmines between each increase. So we worked an increase here and we're gonna do three jasmines in a row. Pull up a location here. So it's a regular jasmine. So we're pulling up from three locations and from here.
Yeah, go through everything. That one got a little tight slip stitch chain one. OK? So there's a regular jasmine and we're gonna do two more regular jasmines. So pulling up my loop here is the second location and the third location.
All right, I gotta do one more. Jasmine. And then I can go back to an increase. Here's the third location. 12, three and chain one.
OK. So just taking a look at this if you're ever like, oh, I don't know how many I did or what these are. I can't tell. Um If you go back to your stitch marker, remember your stitch marker is at the top of where you made that first increase, which looks like this sort of upside down. V So there's your first stitch and then there's a jasmine right here.
One, 23. OK. So each of those had three petals. Now we're gonna pull up a loop and make that increase. So we're only working into two locations here and finish up with our chain one.
So as we work, we are gonna get more and more pronounced um corners here because our increases are stacking up. If you take a look at this chart here, you can see these kind of radiating lines of the black here. Those are where increases are. So that is where we are gonna be getting those points. Um I know this isn't the most perfect looking shape here, but um but it is, as you work on it, it is gonna start getting to have more obvious points on it to make that Hexagon shape.
All right. So we would just continue working around making your um making your increase and then making three more regular jasmine stitches and then an increase three regular jasmine stitches. And you just repeat that all the way around until you land with your last regular jasmine stitch into that uh into this stitch marker here. And then you can go ahead and count up your stitches. And when you're counting your stitches, you can just be looking at these little puffs along the edge here because that, that's how you can count them.
And you should have 24 puffs around the edge. OK? And then on the next round, you would do the same thing. You'd start with an increase and then you would work, you know, instead of working uh three in a row, three regular jasmines in a row, you would work four in a row. OK?
So you do increase, work for regular jasmine increase for regular jasmines and you just repeat that all the way around. So you're gonna have six repeats every time you do, you know every time you do around, you'll have six repeats of whatever the the pattern is. And you're always gonna be starting with that increase and then working the regular stitches, you know, and then re repeating that around. So if you are not very familiar with like what your stitch count should be, um just start at six and then add six every single time, every single round that you do. Should you should be increasing by sixes.
So it might help you just to kind of write those numbers down, you know, write round number one on a piece of paper and then write six. So you know how many you're supposed to end with and then round number two and then you can write 12, round number 3, 18, round number 424 and so on just adding six for every round, just so that you can kind of like double check and make sure that you've done the right amount of increases. Because sometimes, you know, especially when you're first starting out, it can be kind of confusing when you look at this. It's a little bit hard to tell what's going on. But I am hoping that, you know, you'll be able to recognize those, those increases as sort of the upside down V shape and then the regular jasmine as those three peddled um pieces there so that you'll be able to tell, you know, you can kind of count your way backwards or find your stitch marker and you know, count your way forward just to make sure that, you know where you're at and how many increases that you did in that round.
So, all right, let me just check in real quick here and see if anybody had any questions. Let's see. Oh Debbie says I can, I can see me making this into potholder. So I would love to have a download of the chart. OK.
All right. Yeah, I think that would be, I think I'm gonna make that into a blog post. So that way you'll be able to download the chart and maybe I can do um either some photos or maybe written out instructions or something, written out instructions are just so cumbersome though for this stitch, but maybe I can do some kind of photos to get people started or maybe just make reference to this video. Um But the chart, yeah, I that really, really helps me. I'm a definitely a chart person, but it helps me to see how many increases and where they are.
And you know, it just, yeah, it just makes, it's just really hard to look at this and be able to see where those rounds are when you're just kind of looking at it. It looks just like a field of a bunch of puddles and it's very hard to discern where the rounds are so that the chart was very helpful for me. All right, I will probably do that Debbie. So thank you for piping up and saying that you'd be interested in that. OK.
I think I think I answered all the questions. Um I hope this was helpful for you guys. I'm I'm sorry, I was calling the increase a decrease at the beginning. There is such thing as a jasmine decrease, but we're not gonna get into that in this video. But I think that's why it was kind of, I was saying the wrong thing.
So I apologize for that and I hope that it was clear enough once we got going that the increases have the two pedals and the regular jasmines have the three. And, um, now you kind of know basically how this pattern is made and how many increases to do and all that. So hopefully, once you get started, it'll become much more clear when it's sitting in your lap and, and you're working on it, right of you. So I hope you enjoy it. It is a really fun stitch pattern.
It's very useful and it's just such a cool thing to be able to make this really, really puffy, just unusual stitch. So I hope you guys have fun with it. Thank you guys so much for joining me. Bye.
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