Joining a New Ball of Yarn to a Project
Rebecca VelasquezDescription
Rebecca likes to use a technique that is both easy and nearly invisible. This technique will work at any point in your project, even mid-row. She is working on a swatch of double crochet stitches, but you can use this method for whatever crochet stitch you are creating in your project. When she is about to run out of yarn, Rebecca places the tail of the new yarn in the opposite direction of the current working yarn. With the old yarn, she works a yarn over and inserts the crochet hook into the next stitch. She picks up the new yarn and adds it alongside the old yarn and pulls both through the stitch. At this point, Rebecca drops the old yarn and completes the stitch with the new yarn. The new yarn is attached, and she can continue to work her double crochet swatch with the new yarn.
Once the project is complete, the yarn tails can be woven into the project. If done carefully, this method of joining a new ball of yarn is nearly invisible and your project will look tidy and polished!
Hello, I am Rebecca Velazquez, and in this video, I am going to show you how to easily and invisibly add in a new ball no matter where you are on the row or in your stitches of your crochet project. I am going to show you a way to add in a new ball of yarn that is simple and invisible. You can see that my swatch is double crochet, and I'm about to run out of yarn. So I need to add in a new ball. To get that new yarn ready, what you want to do is to make sure and set your tail in the opposite direction of your current working yarn.
Now I'm gonna be using this bright pink so you can easily see the stitching. Now to add a new ball of yarn, you need to be mid-stitch. So we are first going to yarn over and insert into the next stitch. So it is at this point where you are ready to create your next stitch that you want to pick up that new yarn. And you are going to add it alongside your old yarn or your current yarn.
So making sure that your tail is in the opposite direction so that you are always using the working yarn, you will yarn over and pull through the stitch. So now what you want to do is to drop that old yarn and just let it hang in the back. So with your new yarn, you will complete your stitch, which is the yarn over pull through two. Now it is actually three loops of yarn because of that doubling up, but it only counts as two. And then you yarn over and pull through your remaining two, and you have completed that double crochet, and you are now only working with that new yarn.
So you can see in the back where you have these two tails that you will have to weave in. And here in the front, it would be virtually invisible if I weren't using that pink yarn for you. So let me go ahead and show you what it would look like if I were using the same gray as the swatch. So I'm going to grab this new gray yarn, and again, I'm going to set this tail so it is opposite of my current yarn. You will yarn over, insert into your next stitch, and pick up that new ball of yarn.
Using both strands, you will pull up a loop, drop the old yarn, and using the new ball of yarn, you will complete your stitch, which is a yarn over, pull through two. And the yarn over, pull through two. Let me go ahead and make another stitch here just to show you. And you can see that right there, it's virtually invisible. You cannot see that you have added that new yarn.
And again, there is the back, those two ends that you're going to have to weave in. And there it is, you have now added in invisibly your new ball of yarn. I want to thank you so much for your time and for being here with me today, and I really hope that you've enjoyed learning this new skill. It's really useful whenever you are working larger projects where you're going to have multiple balls of yarn. Now remember there are lots of tips and tricks around on the website, so take a few minutes and discover new things.
I am all for learning new ways of doing things and this was something I had never seen in all my years of doing needlework. The video was excellently explain and will becoming my new way of adding yarn... Thank you so much! Celia
Thank you! This was so helpful and easy.
I love this I didn’t know thank you this made my day