Post Stitch Know-How!
Brenda K.B. AndersonDescription
To begin, Brenda explains how the post of a stitch relates to the top of the stitch, both when working in the round and when working flat in turned rows (the direction of your work makes a big difference!). It is important to know which post belongs to which top-of-stitch, especially when switching back and forth between post stitches and non-post stitches. If you do not know how to make this distinction, it will be impossible to know where to put your hook. You will also learn the difference between front post stitches and back post stitches, and know why we would use one instead of the other.
Brenda also answers the following question that many people have: “How do you work a front post stitch behind the stitches you just made? Isn’t that the same thing as working a back post stitch?” These two techniques are in fact not at all the same thing, and Brenda explains the difference between them.
Post stitches are super fun, and understanding how they work will open up so many crocheting possibilities!