Row Counters
Corrina FergusonDescription
A row counter can be used for various reasons, including counting rows or rounds, pattern repeats, or shaping. A few different kinds are:
- Manual clicker
- Digital clicker
- Dial row counter
- Decorative
- App on smartphone
- Pen and paper
Like many crochet notions, row counters are a matter of personal preference. Experiment to find the right one for you and your crochet project.
As you get into crochet, it won't be long before you realize that it's helpful to have a way to keep track of how many rows or rounds of a pattern that you've worked. And there's a lot of fun ways to do that. Hi, I'm Corrina Ferguson, and in this video we're gonna talk about row counters and different ways to keep track of your work in crochet. As you start to do more interesting and complex crochet projects, you're gonna want to keep track of your rows. And there's a lot of different ways that you can do that, and they have some nifty tools for it too.
So I wanted to share some of those with you in this video. And a lot of people will take the actual pattern and they'll just write on the pattern how many rows that they've completed. I will sometimes have a crazy bright post-it note, and I'll pin it right to my work. And I'll just use a pen and check off, or I'll have a special little note pad where I'll write at the top, "This is my washcloth project. I have done 17 rows out of 36," or whatever it happens to be, just to kind of be able to come back to your work and say, "Oh, that's how many I've done." Or if you're continuing to work, keeping track of those rows or those rounds allows you to kind of go through.
But they have some cute tools that will also allow you to do it. One of them is this little guy. You can actually attach it to like the tail of your yarn. You can use a tapestry needle and weave the yarn through and kind of attach it to your work. And then it clicks, and it says, "I've got 48 rows.
I've got 58 rows," just a normal clicker all the way up to our 99 here. So those are kind of handy to have. And you can see, like I said, there's a little hole in the center that you can put those on. They also have adorable bracelets. Now, this one, I just got at a craft store, but you can get custom ones as well.
So the larger beads are meant to be 10 rows or rounds, and the smaller ones are made to be singles. So there's a little, kind of a rubber bandy thing. And you go one, two, three, and you move it as you go along. And then when you get to 10, you go to 10, and then you go back. And it's bracelet format, so it's got an adjustable link here, and you can just put it right on your wrist and have a pretty way to keep track of things.
But I find the most satisfying is the clicker. I don't know why, but I love the little clicker guy. So it's just this little thing. And you say, "Oh, I finished a row. Oh, I finished a row." And, it's like a sense of accomplishment, the fact that I get to click, click, and it has little things on the side that will allow you to adjust it back to one.
But the clicking is super fun, and you can keep it right by you. And it's super small and lightweight and you can throw it in your project bag, so you can keep track of your crochet project. Thank you so much for joining me to learn how to keep track of your work with row counters in crochet. Check out our website for more great videos.
I like the last option - the clicker - but can the tabs on the side move so that the count resets and you lose your place? How about the top? Could you inadvertently press it and increase the row count? Thank you!