Everything You Need to Know About Scissors
Corrina FergusonDescription
Scissors, like many crochet notions, are all about personal preference. If you’re traveling with your crochet project, having a small foldable pair of scissors or even a pair of nail clippers work well for cutting your yarn. There are also small scissors with covers, which are great for protecting your crochet when the scissors are in the same bag as your crochet project. Any pair of scissors will work for cutting your yarn, and it’s all about finding the pair of scissors you are most comfortable using and putting in your crochet bag.
There's lots of things that you're gonna want to keep in your crocheter's toolbox, but one of the most important things is scissors or another way to cut the yarn. Hi, I'm Corrina Ferguson, and in this video, we're gonna learn about scissors and talk about different ways to cut your yarn and great tools to take with you on the go. When we're talking about the essential tools for your crochet experience, we got to talk about a way to cut the yarn. Now, obvious choice, scissors. These are my favorite little scissors that I keep in the house.
I have a variety of what they call Mom's orange scissors, and everyone knows not to touch Mom's orange scissors, not just the fabric ones. You don't touch Mom's orange scissors but these are my tiny ones. These sit at my end table in the living room so that I can use them on projects. They're super great for if you've got like a little tiny piece of fluffy yarn, having a nice pointy scissor like this is great. You can also get the little embroidery scissors that are good for that, just to snip off that little tiny end.
But carrying these scissors all around with me all the time, couldn't take them on an airplane obviously, it's not super great. And I've poked myself more than once. Well, we won't talk about that. So I have a couple of other tools that you can take with you kind of on the go. One of them, this one, it's a kitty cat.
I don't know if you can see the kitty cat there. These are my kitty snips. So they have a little ball chain on them, which is great, 'cause I can just attach them to my keys or I keep them in my purse, attach them to my wallet, whatever. And they have a little lid and then you have a little spring, and you got your little snips, and you just squeeze them back together. They come in puppy style.
I've seen them in frog style. Sometimes they don't have any animal on them, and that's just sad because why not have kitty snips, right? So these are super handy to take around. They're small enough that they can kind of fit anywhere. They've got the little cap on them so you're not going to poke or hurt yourself.
The other thing, they have these pendants, and the pendants, I'm gonna grab a piece of yarn so you can see, the pendants have a blade enclosed and it almost looks kind of scary, like a throwing thing, except for all the sharp parts are enclosed. You can't get your finger in there, but you can get your yarn in there, and it'll cut your yarn super easy. See, you just pull on it and cut your yarn. And it's designed to be a pendant. It's got a little hole that you could put this on a chain.
This is another thing that I might just put in the coin area of my wallet to have something easy to do. But my favorite impromptu scissors are nail clippers. Honestly, I have a very strong aversion to hang nails. And so we have nail clippers on our end tables, I have nail clippers in my purse, I have nail clippers in any of our cars. So this is what I use 99% of the time to cut my yarn.
And it's just great. And of course, it's just nail clippers, so it's safe and it's easy to take everywhere with you. But just make sure you have a way to cut your yarn with you even when you're out and about. Thank you so much for joining me to learn about scissors and different ways to cut that yarn. Check out our website for more great videos.
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